Structure of the configuration sets

The process of data transfer to Visum is described in several configuration set files.

  • Visum network file with default settings (*.net)
  • Configuration file for import parameters (*.cfg)
  • XML file for control of the processing sequence (*.xml)
  • Text file with a description (content is shown in a dialog) (*.readme, optional)
  • Visum graphic parameters (automatically loaded after data import) (*.gpa, optional)

The files must be saved in a separate directory in the Windows user’s directory for application data under ..\AppData\Roaming\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Importer\OSM. The file name has to be the same as the folder name, plus the file extension. The precise structure of the configuration files and the parameters available are not described here in detail. Please also note the tutorial included in the scope of your delivery. It contains further information on this topic.